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Yoga For Jaundice

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If you want to keep your liver healthy, then yoga asana can prove to be very helpful for you. Jaundice is also known as Jaundice in English. Let us know the name, method, and method of yoga asana in Hindi to remove jaundice disease. Jaundice is a serious disease of the liver, due to which the color of the skin, mucous membranes, and eyes become yellow. We all know that the liver is one of the most important organs of our body, so it is essential for its proper functioning. To treat jaundice, you should work on three levels – mental, physical, and dietary. During jaundice, you feel weak both mentally and physically.

You can do some yoga asanas to keep the mind positive and stress-free. Let us know in detail about yoga asanas to cure jaundice.

Jaundice is a type of disease that occurs in the liver. Jaundice is derived from the French word “Jaune” which means yellow. Jaundice usually appears starting from the face, moving towards the feet (Top to Bottom), and is fine from the bottom to the top. This disease can happen to a person at any age. Jaundice can be cured by making the liver strong through yoga.

If you are a fitness freak and want to know more about yoga poses, then you can join 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India.


Yoga for jaundice:–

When you have jaundice, you should infuse energy into the body through yoga and pranayama to get rid of the excess secretion of bile in the liver, which is the primary cause of jaundice. Certain yoga asanas can be practiced to make the liver function vital.


Yoga Dhanurasana for Jaundice –

Dhanurasana yoga works wonders for people who are suffering from fatty liver disease. It stimulates, strengthens, and stretches the liver, and the stored fat is used as an energy source for the body. To do this asana, lay down on a yoga mat and lie on your stomach, keep both the hands parallel to the body and bend the legs backward. Now take your hands back and hold both feet with both hands. Try to stay in this posture for 25 to 30 seconds. In the end, open both hands and come to your starting position


Yogasan Ardha Matsyendrasana to remove Jaundice disease –

This is a pose that is also known as the King of Fish Pose. It is very beneficial for the liver. It helps to de-stress the liver and strengthens and stimulates the liver damaged by fibrosis, apoptosis, inflammation, and stress. To do the asana, sit on a yoga mat and sit on it in Dandasana and keep your right leg out to the side of the left knee. Keep the spine straight, rotate your neck, shoulders, and waist to the right. Stay in this posture for a few seconds and then do the same process with the other leg.


Yoga Sarvangasana for Jaundice Disease –

Sarvangasana yoga is very beneficial in jaundice as it also helps in strengthening the liver, kidney, and respiratory system. Apart from this, you should do Sarvangasana yoga for a healthy liver and strong immunity. To do this asana, first of all, lie down on a straight back on a yoga mat. Keep both your hands straight. Now bend both your legs from the waist and raise them up. After this, lift with both your hands supporting the back and raise your legs up to the maximum height. In this position, your spine and your feet should remain in a straight line.

The entire weight of your body will be on the shoulders and both hands will help in keeping the back straight up. In this posture, you have to stay for at least 30 seconds, after that, you have to come down to your starting position by lowering the legs.


Yoga Gomukhasana for the treatment of Jaundice –

Gomukhasana Yoga is also known as Cow Face Pose in English. This is one of the best asanas for the treatment of cirrhosis. When you suffer from liver cirrhosis, oxygen and blood flow are blocked by scar tissue. Due to which your liver becomes unable to remove toxins and pathogenic bacteria and metabolize fats and doing this yoga stimulates your liver, which allows oxygen and blood to flow freely through it throughout your body. . To do this asana, you sit in Sukhasan by laying a yoga mat.

Bring your right leg close to your body by stretching, then bring your left leg also to you from the top of the thigh of the right leg. Now take your right hand on the back from above the shoulder and bend the left hand from the elbow to take it behind the back and join both your hands together, now you stay in this position for some time.

If you want to explore and learn more about yoga poses, you can join an Online Yoga Teacher Training Course, India.


Yogasan Baddha-Padmasana to remove Jaundice disease –

Baddha-Padmasana yoga helps to tone and strengthen your abdominal organs and liver. To do Baddha Padmasana, first of all, sit on the floor in Padmasana or lotus posture. After this, move both your hands backward, holding your toes in the opposite position, that is, holding the left toe with your right hand and the right toe with the left hand. Keep your spine and head in a straight line in Baddha Padmasana. Do this for at least 30 seconds.


Yoga Nidra for Jaundice Disease –

Yoga Nidra is a good relaxing technique for the body and mind and helps the body to naturally regenerate energy, which leads to sound sleep. To do Yoga Nindra Asana, you lie down in an open, quiet place by laying a yoga mat. Keep your arms straight and a little distance between your feet. Now breathe normally with your eyes closed and stop all the thoughts that come in your mind and do not think anything.

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