The nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy HASTELLOY Alloy C-22 has improved resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. It is suited for usage in the as-welded condition because it resists the development of grain boundary precipitates in the weld-heat affected zone. Because of its tolerance to both reducing and oxidizing media, C-22 can be employed in situations where “upset” circumstances are likely to develop. As consumable filler wires and electrodes, it has been shown to have outstanding weldability and corrosion resistance. The alloy has shown to be effective as a filler wire in a variety of applications. When other corrosion-resistant wires have failed, use as filler wire.
With its ductility, C-22 is easily cold-worked, and cold-forming is the favored method of forming. Because the alloy is stiffer than austenitic stainless steel, more energy is required. In the heat-treated at 2050°F, quick quenched condition, a 0.28″ thick sheet has an average Olsen cup depth of 0.49″.
C-22 outperforms C-4, C-276, and 625 alloys in terms of overall corrosion resistance to oxidizing corrosives. This alloy is also recommended as the best universal weld filler metal for preventing corrosion at any weld.
Hastelloy C22 Welding
Considering nickel and its alloys are identical to austenitic stainless steels, welding techniques are similar as well. However, because nickel has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than stainless steel, distortion and distortion control procedures are comparable to those employed with carbon steel. The prefix B is used to identify nickel-molybdenum alloys (Hastelloy range), such as B1, B2, C, and so on. The most common alloy is Alloy B2, however, Hastelloy c22 welding is also commonly used in manufacture, all with matching filler metals when welded. For all welding applications, the C-22 alloy has recently become more popular as a weld filler material.
TFT Milling Discs can also be used for welding preparation such as beveling, leveling welds, opening weld roots, and more. These discs are a better alternative to typical abrasive wheel grinding and cutting when working with Hastelloy and other metals. No kickback is one of their key characteristics, and each unit has a lifespan of hundreds of hours. As a result, these rods are ideal for chemical processes. This alloy is resistant to pitting, stress corrosion cracking, and oxidizing environments up to 1900 degrees Fahrenheit.